Student Showcase

Wednesday, March 13 at 5:00 p.m. AZ

In-person at the Virginia G. Piper Center | Online via Zoom (6:00 p.m. MT)

This event will highlight the excellent work being done by ASU students in imaginative fields like science fiction and fantasy writing, as well as notable student futures thinking being done in other disciplines throughout our university.

Submission Criteria

Please note that each presentation will be limited to five minutes, if selected. When submitting from a longer work, please send only the excerpt you'd plan to share within that time limit. (Likely no more than 2-3 pages of double-spaced prose.) Please also note that no work created in whole or in part through the use of generative AI (including ChatGPT and other related tools) will be selected.

Submissions for this showcase are now closed.

Acceptable submissions include (but are not limited to):

Fiction, including excerpts from novels or short stories

Creative nonfiction or academic essays


Visual art

Physical artifacts or artworks

Video or audio works

Performance pieces (music, spoken word, dance, etc.)